Welcome to Boat Monkey Adventures

Welcome To BoatMonkeyAdventures.com! This website was created so that our friends and family and any other interested parties can share and follow along on whatever adventures await us as we embark on a “mid-life hiatus” cruise aboard our beloved 34’ sloop Eileen. We sold our house and most of our possessions and moved aboard in 2014. Our goal is to be in the Bahamas by the end of January 2018 and to explore more of the Caribbean from there. We hope you enjoy the story of how we got to this point and that you will follow along as we learn and grow into the cruising lifestyle. This website will continue to grow as we have more to tell and add more content. This site is linked to our Iridium GO subscription so that you can see where we are visiting in real time. ENJOY!

Todd, Celia, and Boat Monkey